Baby Loss

We help families trying to find hope and healing after baby loss.

For many families, baby loss is unexpected. And this unexpected situation makes you feel lost and alone without any direction of how to go forward and feel like there is any sort of hope and healing ahead. If you and your family recently experienced baby loss, we know it may feel like the grief you are dealing with may never end.

Baby Loss

We want you to know we understand that all-consuming grief that comes with baby loss, and we are here for you. At One Day Closer Foundation, we want you to know there is hope and healing ahead, and we are here to provide resources and curated aid based on what your family needs at this time.

Most importantly, we want families to know that they are not alone after baby loss. Although it may feel like no one understands, our goal is to join hands and provide a glimmer of hope at this difficult time. If you are struggling, let us know what we can do to help your family at this time, and we will connect and provide you with the community and support you are looking for.

Our support comes in the form of providing services, gifts, connection, community, access to resources, and other customized services families need while they try to navigate the grief of baby loss. You can support our foundation by finding a family to help or making a donation to our cause. To learn more about what we do and how you can help, contact us today.