We support grieving families following a miscarriage.
Pregnancy can be a joyful, exciting time. But a miscarriage instantly crushes your hopes and dreams. You can’t picture what life will look like without the new baby you so desperately wanted and question how you will go on. After you miscarry, others may not completely understand what you are going through, and you may feel alone in your grief as you try to move forward.
At One Day Closer Foundation, we support women, their partners, and their families after miscarriage. Our foundation provides customized support and grief assistance to help these grieving families find community, a path to begin healing and some glimmer of hope as they try to move forward and cope with their grief.
Our mission is to create a place where families struggling after miscarriage can come and feel safe and loved and where we can facilitate healing and connection. We realize there is often a lack of support and understanding for those struggling with infant loss, and we want to help these families by providing resources that help them navigate their life after loss.
Based on the specific needs of each family and their stressors, we curate the support we provide. Through our platform, we collaborate with the grieving family’s friends, family members, and allies, directly gifting services while meeting their needs.
We provide a safe place grieving families can turn to after a miscarriage. For more information about what our foundation does and how we help families struggling with their new reality following infant loss, contact us today.