
We help families struggling to move forward after the shock of a stillbirth.

Pregnancy can be a long and difficult road, but the thought of holding a baby in your arms at the end of the process is the best possible reward. But the hope and dream of raising and loving your new infant can instantly come crashing down after a stillbirth happens.


A stillbirth is shocking and unexpected, and families experiencing a loss like this may not know how to move forward. While it may seem like there is no hope or healing ahead, at One Day Closer Foundation, we want you to know there is a way forward, despite the all-consuming grief you experience on a daily basis.

If your family is grieving after a stillbirth, we are here to provide customized support and access to resources to help you with your grief. If you are a family member or a loved one of someone who recently had a stillbirth, our platform can connect you with resources, gifts, support, and community that can help your loved one at this difficult time.

We get to know families and their struggles before providing individualized aid that caters to their stressors and grief needs. And even if you do not know someone specifically who recently experienced a stillbirth, your commitment to our cause can help other families that are going through one of the most difficult phases of their lives.

We offer a safe place families can turn to after they experience the shock of a stillbirth. For more information about our approach to helping families grieving the loss of an infant, contact us today.


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